Can You Guess Why Iām Wearing All Orange?
100% Unedited Selfies Taken on 07-Jul-2021
Why am I wearing all orange lingerie this week you ask? Well, if you know me you know that I am a NBA fan and I am especially a Phoenix Suns fan, I have seen many of their games and I love watching them play! The Suns are in the NBA Finals, and the series started last night, and they won game 1 ā¦ woo hoo! So today to celebrate I decided to do a brand-new set of selfies, it will only be like 2 hours between taking these pictures and posting them on my site! Wanna come celebrate with me? After an exciting game like last night, I am juiced up and ready for some naughty fun and I need a partner to come jump in bed with me. That could be you if you have the right moves and are willing to assist! So, come and show me your skills and you can dunk your hard cock inside of me!

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