Rebecca Breaks the Quarantine and Gets BBC!
I can’t do it! It just isn’t in my DNA! The social distancing thing and socially quarantining mself at home is just not my thing. I never could lock myself in when I was living at home. I am a social butterfly. I just can’t remain locked in with no social contact. I was always sneaking out the window and getting in trouble. Well this whole Corona Virus thing doesn’t work for me! Having to work from my home and then sit here all by myself doesn’t work when you are horny for company. We aren’t supposed to go out, but I did.
The hotels were empty, so I got a room and wrote to find out if anyone else wanted to join me. I wanted to shelter in place with someone. The streets were empty and I got to the hotel and found that I wasn’t going to be alone. I was so excited and so was he. We were going to be stuck together isolated in our room. He made me choke, made me hot, and short of breath. Do you think he infected me? I hope so. COME IN AND SEE HOW I BROKE CURFEW! CLICK HERE AND SEE HOW REBECCA REWARDED THIS YOUNG MAN